Give Greater — Greater Midland


In this time of community need, will you consider donating to support our community efforts?

At Greater Midland, our centers aren’t just buildings. The Tennis Center, Community Center, Curling Center and Family Centers are woven into the fabric of Midland as a part of our day-to-day lives. 

Greater Midland is powered by the community. 76% of our annual revenue is generated from our membership and programs.  This means when you sign your child up for a gymnastics class, baking camp or tennis clinic, become a member, or book a court you are directly supporting people in need right here in our community. 


We’ve been hard at work helping those in our community for over a century and we’re excited to continue making a difference for many more years to come.


These efforts include: 

  • Helping distribute over 200,000 pounds of food across Midland County

  • Partnering with the Midland Area Community Foundation, Dow and the Salvation Army to distribute $750,000 in aide

  • Distributing personal care items, diapers, household goods, and cleaning products across Midland County

  • Served as a disaster recovery site and evacuation center

  • Providing childcare for essential workers and frontline staff

Please help us continue to serve our community with a donation of $50, $100 or $250 to the Greater Midland.  100% of your contribution will support people in need right here in our community.



Diaper, food and water donations can be dropped off at North Family Center and Coleman Family Center, Monday through Friday, from 9am - 1pm.

Food does not need to be non-perishable but it is preferred that donations of fresh produce are made in small quantities. We do have freezer and refrigerator space available for milk, eggs and meat.

*All items must be store bought, and prepackaged. We cannot accept homemade goods.

POPULAR ITEMS always IN need:

  • Razors

  • Shampoo

  • Conditioner

  • Body Wash

  • Laundry Detergent

  • Body Wipes

  • Deodorant

  • Spices

kid friendly items:

  • Fruit/Pudding cups

  • Granola bars

  • Bread

When Herbert H and Grace A. Dow founded the Greater Midland Community Center 100 years ago, the city of Midland was a very different place. With just over 5,000 people, our city was just beginning to imagine itself and people were searching for a way to have fun and connect with one another. Our community looks very different today but the core of Greater Midland is the same. As we have grown, so has the community but the memories of our founding are still present in everything we do.

Our connection to Midland exists in family photo albums and sometimes even wedding pictures. We see kids growing up on our tennis courts and archery ranges, seniors reconnecting to old friends in our gathering spaces and babies learning to walk in our early childhood classrooms. All of this connects to that small center founded 100 years ago.

But we cannot do this alone. Greater Midland relies on contributions from people like you to ensure these programs can run. Please consider donating today as we work together to promote vitality, build belonging and serve with heart.

Studies show that for every dollar invested in preschool, teen and family support programs, the community receives at least a $7 return through reduction in crime, education savings, and taxes on future earnings. That means every dollar you donate to help a child will come back to the community seven-fold.

Results in action

impact data infographic.PNG

Your donation is a life-changing gift for children in our community, providing them with developmental assets and opportunities that will shape their future. When you make a tax-deductible donation to Greater Midland, you are helping us ensure that across all nine of our sites:

  • Our youngest learners are ready for school

  • All kids are connected to a caring adult

  • Our kids and adults are moving every day

  • Our seniors are connected to the community


Please show your commitment today by contributing $50, $100 or $250 to our mission.

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Greater Midland