Kristen McDonald Leaving Greater Midland Community Centers

Midland, Michigan – December 21, 2020 – Greater Midland Community Centers announced today that Chief Executive Officer Kristen McDonald will leave her role, effective January 15, 2021.

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McDonald joined Greater Midland in 2015 and has played an important role in advancing the mission of Greater Midland and its network of centers and programs.

“Kristen was instrumental in shaping the future of Greater Midland during her time here,” said Board Chair Stephen Carras. “She brought a determined focus to growing early childhood care and educational programming, bringing financial stability and sustainability, as well as connecting with the community. In 2020, her leadership during COVID-19 and through the difficult days of flood response reached deep into the community to serve those who were impacted most.”

Mike Schafer, current Director of Special Projects will serve as interim director during the search for a new CEO, which will begin in the new year. “Greater Midland is well-positioned to continue to serve our community while we undertake the search for our next CEO,” Carras said.

McDonald has taken a position at Michigan Future, where she will serve as a vice president with a focus on creating public policy to enable a rising income for all Michigan residents.