Greater Midland Early Care and Education Sets The Martuch Boy's on the Right Track

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Meagan and Zach Martuch say that although choosing a childcare is a big decision, for them it was an easy one.  

“We were pregnant with our son Miles and this was the only place we toured,” says Maegan Martuch. She says that the quality and environment of the Greater Midland’s Early Care and Education program is what persuaded them to not look anywhere else.  

“For me, the biggest thing we were looking for was stability,” Zach says. “We didn’t want to send our child to a home daycare where maybe the following year they close because someone moves. Along with something stable, we wanted a place that was safe, with structure and a good learning environment, and Greater Midland checked all those boxes.”  

Dylan Martuch

Dylan Martuch

Full of energy and constantly moving, the Martuchs say Miles benefited from activities he wouldn’t have had anywhere else.  

“Things like gymnastics, swimming, splash parks,” Maegen says. “It just offers a lot more than your typical daycare.”

 Along with the activities, the Martuchs say that the education their son received and the social environment he was in helped prepare him for the classroom. Miles is now 6 and is attending kindergarten.

 “He was very well prepared for kindergarten, not just with learning but with being ready for the environment,” Zach says. “He’s performing at the top of his class I’m sure that has to do with the upbringing he had coming through Greater Midland.”

Miles Martuch

Miles Martuch

 Zach and Maegan have a second child, Dylan, who is currently enrolled in the Greater Midland Early Care and Education program and they feel teachers have approached him as an individual and not a carbon-copy of his older brother.  

“Miles doesn’t sit still and needs to be moving all the time, whereas Dylan would much rather be in the corner playing by himself,” Maegan says. “But the teachers have absolutely treated them as individuals.”

 “They handle Dylan like a whole new kid, even though they’ve worked with Miles before,” says Zach.

 For the Martuchs, Greater Midland’s focus on individual growth helps make their Early Care and Education programs the perfect choice.  “Here they grow and are taken care of and we were sold on that alone,” Zach says.

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