Family Affair for Stacey and Scott Douglas — Greater Midland

Family Affair for Stacey and Scott Douglas

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Stacey and Scott Douglas have lived in Midland for about 12 years. After growing their family, they soon came to realize that Greater Midland, with its wide range of programs and activities for all ages and abilities, is a unique resource for the region.  To the Douglas’ and many other working families with children, Greater Midland is the place to be for fitness, connection and education.

Brady works with Greater Sports Performance coach Mark. Learn more about his improvements in GSP - click here

Brady works with Greater Sports Performance coach Mark. Learn more about his improvements in GSP - click here

“We love this facility a lot,” said Stacey Douglas, a teacher at Meridian Elementary School.  “It’s much more than just a gym. They offer so much and the fact that the Community Center has child care is a big reason we’re members.”

Douglas first began working out at the Community Center on a drop-in basis. Now her entire family participates in programs, everything from swimming to childcare.  As Premier Members, her husband and their two children, Brady 9, and Breslyn, 4, have access to all of Greater Midland’s offerings, including the Tennis Center.  Their involvement has helped bring the family together.

“Both Brady and Breslyn like the Kids Corner (child care) and love swimming and the sports performance camps,” Douglas said.  “Brady has played in the 4-on-4 basketball leagues. It’s great. We haven’t met any instructor that has been anything but friendly and helpful.”

The Douglas’ are proof of Greater Midland’s impact, facilitating a sense of connection between each other and their community.

Breslyn has all the fun in baby-sitting while the rest of family heads off to get sweaty.

Breslyn has all the fun in baby-sitting while the rest of family heads off to get sweaty.

“Physical fitness is important for the mind as well as the body and it helps us accomplish an even bigger goal,” said Stephen Carras, Chair of Greater Midland’s Board of Trustees.  “We’re focused on creating a space where all Midland residents feel supported, connected and a sense of belonging.  We do that by providing opportunities for seniors to create meaningful connections during group Mah Jongg, fostering fun and exploration in our Early Care and Education Classrooms, and, as in the Douglas’ family case, providing opportunities for families to reach their health goals together”

 This is something the Douglas’ have experienced first-hand.  For Stacy and her husband, group exercise classes are a way to share time together.  At first her husband was reluctant to join her in classes.

 “He said group exercising wasn’t his thing,” she said. “I got him in there and now he’s hooked. We’ve been doing it now for about a year.”

 Now, all members of the Douglas family are frequent visitors to the center.  From sports, swimming, kick boxing, strength training and so much more, the Greater Midland Community Center has become a family affair for the Douglas’.

- Interested in a family membership? Click here to visit our membership page and see your options. -